1. It's Addictive
Do you ever find yourself checking out Instagram when you wake up in the morning, when you're going to bed, when you wake up in the middle of the night, or when you're bored? There is so much more we can do with our time than scroll through a feed of pictures or click on people's stories to see what are they up to.
2. It's Distracting
Being on Instagram or recording something for your Instagram story can take you away from being in the moment. We are not truly observing what is around us and enjoying time with loved ones by pulling out our phones and scrolling through our feeds. Instagram is a distraction. We need be present and dedicate our attention to the people we are with not to our phone screens.
3. Instagram Stories Have Ruined The App
People are posting less photos on their feed and instead are sharing everything on their Instagram stories. What they are eating for breakfast, what they are doing for the day, where they are working out, what they are wearing, who they are hanging out with, where they are. Why do we care to see what people are doing all the time? Not knowing what your friends or acquaintances are up to via Instagram will give you something more to talk about the next time you see them. I was one of those people who would overshare on my story. I do not need to share everything that I am doing and quite frankly I am tired of clicking on people's stories. Instagram stories is truly what has ruined the app for me.
4. Comparing Myself To Others
People will share pictures of their new houses, their relationships, their cars, their jobs, their vacations and whether you realize it or not, sometimes people's posts can really bring you down.. they can pick at your insecurities. They can make you feel like you're falling behind in life, or that you're not as successful or as good looking as somebody.
5. Instagram Doesn't Show Who We Are But Who We Want To Be
I had a great talk with somebody the other night comparing Instagram to Tinder. We try too hard to look cool or look like fun people on these apps. We are showing what we wish we were. Instagram makes us seem like we are perfect or that we live perfect lives but it does not show our authentic selves.
I have been off Instagram for almost a week now and it has been refreshing. If you have an Instagram, I challenge you to take a day off from scrolling through stories and feeds and to stop sharing things on your story. Look up from your phone and look at the people you are with, look at the things around you and truly enjoy the moment. I will probably be deleting my Snapchat next.
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