Sunday, April 17, 2016

Things You Should Stop Doing By The Time You're 25

 I saw a list of things you should stop doing by age 25 and I thought it was stupid, so I decided to make my own list.

1. Comparing Yourself/ Your Life to Others'
I've talked about this in another one of my posts, but honestly it's unhealthy to compare yourself to others. You don't have to do everything like everyone else. Someone got engaged, married, had a baby, moved in with their boyfriend, moved to Europe, got a $100k salary job? Great! Just live your life and good things will come to you if you stay positive. You don't have to follow a certain timeline or accomplish things at a certain time. Be happy for people.

2. Flaking Out On People
Don't commit to something or say you will do something if you don't want to to do it or if you know you won't be able to. If you're too busy or if something comes up, at least have the decency to tell them that instead of not showing up all together. I am not perfect, I've been a flake before, but I straight up tell people if I don't want to do something or if I won't be able to. I've never stood someone up. I have come to realize people will eventually give up on you if you always flake out.  I am not a high maintenance friend but I believe in common courtesy. At the very least give people a heads up. Sometimes you're going to have to cancel, but that's different than constantly not showing up.

3. Taking Your Parents for Granted
You're getting older and so are your parents. You never know how much time you will have with them. Appreciate everything they have done/ do for you. Thank them. Call them. Take them out to eat. Visit them etc. 

4. Playing Games (Dating wise)
I am so picky when it comes to dating that I don't just talk to anyone. I'm not a needy girl, I like to be single and don't need a relationship to be happy, but for the love of God don't play games if we start talking. I hate it when people play games. Just be real and be upfront.  Don't take days to respond to texts.  If you're not feeling it, be honest. That's all.  Don't waste my time. Everyone checks their phone at least once a day. If you've got time for Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook, you've got time to send a darn text. We aren't in high school anymore, y'all. Games aren't cute.

5.  Caring What People Think
I have altogether stopped caring about what people expect from me or think of me. It's my life to live and I'm going to do it my way. People always have the nerve to comment on my film industry work and how it's not stable income or a "real job." If they aren't your bills to pay, it's not your business.  Don't worry about me. "Worry bout yo self." LOL